GM Tuhon Salvador Moralez Jr.
Professor, Martial Arts/Filipino Martial Arts

Grand Master/Tuhon Salvador Moralez Jr, resides in El Paso Texas and is a 10th Dan Black Belt and a holder a Doctorate of Martial Arts and Filipino Martial Arts PhD. He is the President/Founder of the SMJ International Martial Arts Federation USA with members in 28 countries and 5 continents around the world to include North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa and has spent a lifetime in the pursuit of goodwill brotherhood and perfection through the study of the Martial Arts/ Filipino Martial Arts and spiritual traditions, building association with top instructors and Grandmasters from all over the world.

In a martial art path, which spans over 58 years and over 30 years instructing law enforcement officers, Grand Master Salvador Moralez was able to study some of the most preeminent martial arts systems including Jin Tsung Dao, Tang Shou Dao (as developed from the Shaolin Kung Fu), Shotokan, Goju, Hapkido, Hsin Lu Chuan Shu Tong and the Kilos Paru Paro Filipino System. After decades of mining through these diverse systems. He was able to develop and create his own unique SMJ Martial Arts System.

In 1994 he received his 8 th Degree Black Belt in Goju from Grand Master Charles Dixon Founder of the International Shinjimasu Karate Association. That same year he received his Sokeship 8th Degree Black Belt Grand Master for the Hsin Lu Chuan Shu Tong by Grand Masters Charles Dixon and Grand Master Jesus Ventura in Chapparal New Mexico. Also, in 1994 he received his Doctorate of Martial Arts from Grand Master Charles Dixon and Chancellor Lynn Dixon from the Shinjimasu College of Martial Arts. In 1997 he was inducted into the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame “Instructor of the Year”

In 1998 he was promoted to Punong Guro (Grand Master) of the Kilo Paru Paro Filipino System by Tuhon Gaudiosa Ruby Director of the United State Kali Association Inc. In 1998 he became a member of the PTI National Certified Policed Tactics Instructors of America. In 1998 he was appointed as Texas State Director PTI Police Instructors of America by Regional Director Tuhon Gaudiosa Ruby. In 1998 he was inducted into the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame “Grand Master of the Year”.

In 2000 he received his 10th Degree Black Belt (Sampu Antas) Doctorate PhD of Filipino Martial Arts awarded by Tuhon Gaudiosa Ruby with the United States Kali Association. Also, that same year he was awarded the title of “Tuhon” and Founder of the Kilos Paru Paro Filipino System. In 2004 he was appointed as Southwest Regional Director for the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame, by Tuhon Gaudiosa Ruby. In 2005 he made his international debut in Las Vegas Nevada at a Filipino Expo with Filipino Grand Masters from the Philippines and from around the world. It was after his demonstration that he was invited to the table to speak with the Grand Masters from the Philippines and was recognized as a Tuhon and Grand Master of the Kilos Paru Paro Filipino System. It was at that time the GM Roland Dantes Chairman of International Affairs from the Philippines made him a Member of Arnis Philippines/ International Arnis Federation and was also made a member of the Philippine Olympic Committee. He was also invited to come to the Philippines and teach his Kilos Paru Paro Filipino System at the National Police Academy in Manila.

It was in 2005 he received the “Outstanding Service Award” from the Texas Department of Public Safety (State Police) Narcotics Training Unit for teaching Officer Survival, Defensive Tactics, Edged Weapon Training, and Use of Force to hundreds of Undercover and Task Force Investigators in and around the State of Texas. It was in 2006 he received a 10th Degree Black Belt and title of “Soke” Kilos Paru Paro Filipino System under the Shinjimasu International Martial Arts Association, United Federation of International Grandmasters by Grand Master Charles Dixon. In 2007 he was inducted into the United State Martial Arts Hall of Fame for “Outstanding Grand Master”.

In 2010 he Co-Authored a publication titled Arrest & Control Tactics (A.C.T) for Law Enforcement Officers and has been found in court litigation to be consistent with contemporary law enforcement practices and protocols. This publication is still being used by Law Enforcement in the State of Texas. He has been recognized and designated as a use of force expert by the Texas Attorney General’s Office and has been successfully used in federal case litigation in cases filed against law enforcement officers.

In 2016 he received his 10th Degree Black Belt, Men Kyo Kaiden for the Hsin Lu Chuan Shu Tong from Professor Roshi Jesus Ventura of the Tien Shan Association. In 2019 he received his 10 th Degree Black Belt by International Kuro Italia Organization, Certificate Number Kuro-Ryu Italia/A 0100/30.

In 2019 he was inducted into the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame for
“Lifetime Achievement Award”.

In 2022 he was inducted into the International Hall of Fame Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He is a true Martial Arts Pioneer, trainer, and warrior in every sense of the word who uses his uncanny ability to translate esoteric martial arts concepts from ancient cultures into functional, practical, and useful understanding of modern-day applications. His teaching of the SMJ
Martial Arts System is his approach that is a blending of the warrior arts to form a complete and comprehensive system of martial arts training.