SMJ Martial Arts System


SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM arises from the systemic problem our society faces trying to do the job of today with yesterday’s tools and yesterday’s concepts. It is an innovative approach that transcends tradition. This means that in new ways, existing principles within the systems are the epitome of my years of learning, practice, and embracing various martial arts schools.

This approach brings forth new methodologies that pick up where tradition generally, leaves off. The process of transcending simply means extracting the essential elements of those arts, that I have experienced and applying equal parts of creativity and practicality toward the creating and forging the SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM, done through a process of blending of the warrior arts.

The SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM is an eclectic blending of some of the most preeminent martial arts systems in the entire world. Such as Jin Tsung Dao, Tang Shou Dao, (as developed from Shao Lin Kung Fu), Shotokan Karate Do, Goju, Hapkido, Budo Ryu Kai, Kilos Paru Paro Filipino Warrior System. After decades of mining through these diverse martial arts. I was able to develop my very own unique SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM. The system brings an understanding of combative movement that is necessary to extract what is essential from other systems, and merge them with movement from my own innovation, and produce a new system that is easy to memorize and recall, highly effective and versatile to a wide range of situations.

The SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM uses identical movements from the Filipino martial arts and other systems for empty hands, impact weapons, knife, and improvised weapons. This allows the practitioner to perform and commit the same motions to muscle memory, which reduces the learning curve and complexity. In a surprise attack complexity can be hazardous,
however training in a simplified system with fewer parts can increase your chances of survival. The warrior skills taught in the SMJ MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM are the most effective and impactful techniques making use of fulcrums and physics to give you the required fighting edge.

Prof. Tuhon Sal Moralez Jr.
SMJ Martial Arts System